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Things to Avoid When Choosing a Factor Company

When it comes to the load, your customer’s credit is the important element since they are the ones paying the invoice, not you. With XFactors on your side, you are paid quicker and that enables you to pay your bills quicker. So your credit improves when you pay your bills quickly and on time! So the answer is yes, we care about your credit!

With XFactors, you simply fill out a very basic application to get your factoring account set up.

XFactors is a small company, helpful and friendly. You can always talk with the same account manager if you want.

Tailored Solutions

Customized Factoring Plans for Your Needs

XFactors offers customized factoring programs with flexible rates, reserves, and fees to fit your business needs. Whether you’re new to factoring or need a tailored solution, we’ve got you covered!

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